Monday 12 April 2010

Jasmin’s arrival

I am now the proud mother of Jasmin Sofia Dinardi Peixoto, she is so beautiful that I cannot stop watching her. She really is mine and Andre’s, our masterpiece. What an amazing feeling it is to be a mum, there are no words to describe how much I could burst with joy right now. I have never been so happy in my life, sorry baba our wedding day was fantastic but the joy of being a mum is something different.

Jasmin was not due until the 14th of April but I had a feeling she would come early, 4 days early to be exact. On friday the 9th of April, I was cleaning franticly. I cleaned our bedroom inside out, I did my yoga, I had a craving for good foods so ate well. When I was cleaning the mirror in the bathroom I stopped and looked at my belly and thought how big it was and that I should take a photo of it as it may be the last chance I get. I did not take that photo and as it turned our it was the last chance I had.

I went to bed as usual, but I had an overwhelming urge to go to the toilet all night long. I went many times and in the early hours of the morning 5 am my back was hurting a little. I had wind the previous night with the same pain so thought nothing more of it and went back to sleep. I woke up again at 5:30 am with a little bit more pain but this time the pain was creeping around to my pelvis as well, but would go away. I contemplated for 30 minutes as to whether I was feeling contractions.

At 6 am I woke up Andre complaining of pain and that I may have contractions, he did not believe me so for another 30 minutes we waited and the pain increased and blood started to appear when I went to the toilet. I ordered Andre to call Doctor Holland, so he did. Doctor Holland instructed us to go to the hospital for a quick check up, Andre wasted no time and rushed me to the hospital. I had to ask him to take it easy on the speed humps, so annoying they are everywhere in Rondonopolis.

On our arrival Doctor Holland did an internal examination and told us I was 7 cms dilated. Andre was surprised and my contractions were strengthening, it took another half hour to completely dilate. Andre and I were preped for labor, with a couple more contractions before the big one hit me. Like a tsunami wave ripping through me and I had to push. The urge would not go away so I pushed and pushed and pushed. Jasmin’s head was a little to big so Doctor Holland had to make a cut for extra room and with the last couple of pushes I felt my baby come out. I was completely and utterly exhausted.

Jasmin was born 7:50 am on Saturday 10th of April 2010. She weighed 3.27 kilos and was 49 cm long. After I was stitched up and taken to my room, the rest of the day was a bit of a blur, almost felt like a dream to me. The family came to visit and wanted to spend time with our new princess, it was pass the parcel with Jasmin. Essio and Andre's god father, Matias also came to visit, this made Andre very happy. I felt uncomfortable in the hospital as was Andre and Jasmin, I could not wait to get of there. Sunday morning I was released from hospital and finally got to go home.

I spent some quality time with my little girl and a bond was formed so intense that by the end of the day I cried tears of joy. It had all finally sunk in that this was my little girl. Andre has been so amazing the last couple of days, I could not have picked a better husband. His willingness to help and assist me is greatly appreciated as I recover and to see the same love and joy in his eyes for our little girls just makes me love him even more. Andre and I are tired from feeding, burping, changing nappy’s every 3 or so hours but we could not be happier.

Jasmin has not only brought joy to Andre and I but to the whole family. I have never seen Iracema so happy and excited with the arrival of her first grandchild and she is not afraid to share that excitement with everyone she knows. Messias does not say much but the love in his eyes when he spends time with her is beautiful, he is so proud. Graziela and Jerusa are the happiest aunties I have ever seen, they love to take Jasmin off my hands to give me time to shower, relax even squeeze in a sleep. Even uncle Diego is happy with Jasmin’s arrival, he watched futeball with her yesterday but I don’t think Jasmin was all that interested in watching, she slept the whole time.

Jasmin has so much more joy and love to spread to all her family and friends back in Australia.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

One week to go before I become a mother

I have come a long way since I first found out that I was pregnant, the all day sickness. The mood swings, the sleepless nights, the acid burning my throat and more recently the sharp pains of sciatic nerve in my hip and the constant dull pain in my left hip. Sometimes pregnancy gets to much for me and I break down, but Andre brings me back down to earth and reminds me it is not easy making another human. It has not been all bad, when I think of my baby, the joy and the unconditional love I feel in my heart has been worth any pain I have been through. Lets see if I still agree with this after I have been through labor.

My belly is huge and very tight, the baby is filling out with fat nicely. Due to the limited space in my belly the baby movements are less, I kind of miss the mischief my baby use to get up to. The baby's hiccups have become so strong, they annoy the baby. But hiccups are good, they prepare the baby for breathing out of the womb. I can't help but giggle each time the baby get the hiccups, and I'm sure the baby does the same when I get the hiccups myself.

The baby wakes up every 3 to 4 hours for a stretch in my belly and I have read that this will be the sleeping patterns once the baby is born. I worry how and when I will sleep myself, I'm not very good with broken sleep but I guess I will have to get use to it. I will not get to sleep in now for at least the next 18 years. I am surprised how responsive my baby is with me and not just when I talk to it but a simple thought that the baby has not moved for a while, are you ok baby. Seconds after I have the thought the baby moves and puts my mind at ease. I wonder if the baby will be just as responsive to me out of the womb.

A couple other down falls with pregnancy is the constant peeing, I will be busting with pain to go to the toilet and when I get there and pee almost nothing comes out. My poor hemorrhoid has taking a beating with the added pressure of the baby's weight and pushing. My belly gets in the way and I keep bumping it everywhere, doors, benches and tables. Sometimes I really enjoy my big belly, I love to rub it and Andre asked why I rub my belly so much. I think it's because I won't always have this big belly so I'm making the most of it. It's a way of giving my baby some love to, I cannot hug it or kiss my baby yet, so rubbing some love into my belly is a way to show I care.

As each day passes I grow more curious about what sex my baby, but I have come this far without knowing so what is a few extra days. Benjamin or Jasmin? Andre and I have a middle name worked out for Benjamin, Luke. But finding a middle name for Jasmin has been a bit more difficult. We cannot agree on many names, we agree on Leah but I also love Pearl. I came across a German name "Wolfgang" for a boy which I adore as it so different and unique. I wish I came across this name earlier, I think I would have a hard time trying to convince everyone to change from Benjamin now, but I do love "Wolfgang".

My baby must be about 50 cms by now and I cannot understand how it fits inside me, pregnancy is so amazing when you think about it. Creating another life, Andre and I will be responsible for this life, it's a little bit scary. I guess anything new or different is a little scary and the best way to deal with this new life is to take it day by day.