Saturday 7 August 2010

I love .....

Most people who write to me and ask about Jasmin will spell her name wrong, so an explanation is in order. Jasmin is named after the flower Jasmine. In Portuguese the name Jasmine is pronounced JAZ-MIN-I. Both Andre and I did not want her to be called JAZ-MIN-I so we have purposely taken off the E from Jasmine. Now her name sounds the same in both Portuguese and English.

Jasmin is growing so fast, at her 3 month check up she weighed 6.1 kilos and was 62 cm. Jasmin has taken after my side of the family with her looks, she is a mini Steven. However I can see little bits of personality now and then and she is so much like Andre and his sister Jerusa. I am still only breast feeding Jasmin, a great perk about breast feeding full time is you don't get a period apart from the one after birth. That was a long one, 5 weeks. 5 weeks of wearing pads, I had the worst chafe of my life. I love you Hipoglos cream.

Jasmin has discovered she has hands and is getting very good at her hand to mouth co-ordination, everything see touches goes in her mouth. Jasmin loves to be held and cuddled and my arm's are always sore because she is getting so heavy. Watching her make new discoveries every day is a joy and babies learn fast. She loves to sit even though she is unable to by herself yet. Mum told me I was walking at nine months, I reckon Jasmin will be the same.

I love the smell of Jasmin's breath, it smells like sweet milk.

I love her fine fluffy hair.

I love her grey eyes and long eye lashes.

I love her gummy smile.

I love when she pouts her bottom lip.

I love when she pokes her tongue out at me.

I love how she likes to chew everything she touches.

I love her chunky cheeks.

I love her button nose.

I love her double chin.

I love when she gurgles at me.

I love when she screams and scares herself.

I love when she sneezes and farts at the same time.

I love to hear her try to talk to me.

I love when she talks to her owl mobile above her cot.

I love when she talks to her Winnie the Pooh blanket.

I still love to watch her sleep.

I love the faces she pulls when she is sleeping and dreaming.

I love her cute little belly button.

I love her chubby arms and legs, they have so many creases in them.

I love the dimples on her knuckles because her hands are so chubby.

I love when she tries to do sit ups.

I love her dimpled bottom.

I love her loud, smelly farts.

I love when she’s hungry, it’s life or death if she doesn’t get a boob straight away.

I love watching Jasmin feed from my breast.

I love it when Jasmin is drunk from my milk.

I love how every morning when she wakes up and sees me she smiles.

I love when she gets angry, her eye brows go red and she looks so cute.

I love watching her shower with Andre.

I love to watch her play with her baby gym.

I love watching Andre play with Jasmin.

I love every thing about her and then I love her some more.

Having Jasmin in my life has opened my eyes so much and made me a more patient person, Babies are so forgiving, makes me wish grown ups were as forgiving. Jasmin has taught me not to be so serious and have fun, pull faces, dance and sing, I do all sorts of silly things to entertain her and it doesn’t matter where I am. It's very hard work being a mother but I'm loving it. Andre will be celebrating his first Daddy Day tomorrow and I know he is so proud of our little princess just as I am.

1 comment:

andredpx said...

OH MY GOD my litle fat bumba!