Thursday 4 March 2010

What's in a name?

Over the years I have come to love certain names like Lulu, and would love to use it as a middle name. Now that I live in Brazil I am told that I cannot name my child Lulu because it is a prostitute/dogs name. Who makes these rules up for giving baby names? Being the mother of my soon to arrive child I thought I had rights to name my baby as I see fit. It seems as though everyone wants a say in my baby's name. I could never tell another person what to name there child, quite frankly it's not my child and not my business. If I did name my child Lulu, would everybody love her any less? What a nightmare, I hope I am having a boy at least everyone agrees on Benjamin.

I had my week 34 check up with Doctor Holland and the baby is 2.030 kilos and 47 cm tall. My sister in law Graziela drove me to my appointment and Andre met up a little later at the clinic. Graziela got to see baby on the ultra sound for the first time and I think she was pretty impressed. Andre could not make the start of the check up so Doctor Holland really made an effort and tried to talk english with me. I was impressed, he knows more that what I expected. I am going to be having more frequent appointments (weekly) leading up to the due date.

I have put on 1.5 kilos despite being sick all week. I have not had the flu in over 2 years and this I believe has been due to the healthy way of life that I lead. Good food and plenty of exercise but at my last check up I was told to eat more meat, so I did. I ate meat for lunch and dinner and by the end of the week I was experiencing abdominal pain and surprise, surprise I got sick. I am not made to eat so much meat and I am paying for it now.

The baby is very active and I can feel it moving higher in my belly. It is growing fast as is my belly. I am beginning to feel pain in my lower back from the weight of my belly and I am becoming less mobile. I don't even want to leave the house anymore because I get so tired and uncomfortable being out and about. I have become so boring. I cannot believe I have less than 6 weeks left, 42 days before I hold my bundle of joy in my arms. I cannot fit into my normal clothes any more and I have given up trying, time to make use of the maternity clothes I have.

One thing that I am ever so grateful for is how amazing my husband has been through my pregnancy. He gives me so much love and makes me feel good, despite feeling fat and ugly. He is so attentive to my cravings and gets me anything I want. For example if I am craving açaí and I don't get it, he is worried the baby may end up looking like an açaí. I love my husband more and more everyday and so glad he is in my life. I can see his excitement growing as the due date is approaching and I know he will make an amazing father.

It still has not set in that I will be a mother very soon, I know I have no idea what I have got myself into. I promised my baby to be he best mother I can be and lets see how things play out.

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